الرئيسية / محليات / The best jokes

The best jokes

Short joke

Husband: I want divorce. My wife hasn’t spoken to me in sex months

Lawyer: Think about it once again

Wifes like that are hard to get

Funny joke

Teacher: Correct the sentence

“A bull and a cow is grazing in the field”

Student: A cow and a bull is grazing in the field

Teacher: How

Student: Ladies first

Acute excuse

Teacher: Why are you late

Student: Mom and dad were fighting

Teacher: So what makes you late if they were fighting

Student: One shoe was in mom’s hand and one in dad’s

The best joke

Wife: If I had known you were this poor

I wouldn’t have married you

Husband: When I was telling you that you are the only thing I have in this world

What are you thinking



Find a woman

Teacher: Behind every successful man there is a woman

What do we learn from this

Student: We should stop wasting time in studies and find a woman

(Dr. Kassem Istanbouli)


(Dr. Kassem Istanbouli)



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